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How is carbon fiber reinforced construction? (VI)
Date:2020-05-26 09:30:00 Share:
Application of adhesive:
1. Before applying the adhesive, check the construction environment, whether there is water on the construction surface, and whether the leveling adhesive touch is dry, etc.
Do not drench.
Check whether there is water on the construction surface. If the water is wiped off with cotton thread, place it for a period of time to confirm whether there is water again. It is possible to accumulate water, so the construction shall be stopped.
Confirm whether the pre coated glue or grease is touch cured.
Confirm whether there is soil, dust, etc. on the construction surface, and if so, wipe it off with a blower, cotton yarn, etc.
2. Paste mix
Resin can be used in summer (s) and winter (W), and can be used according to construction period.
Check whether there is residual resin, solvent, dust, etc. in the container used for metering and mixing, and then use it.
Pay attention to the proportion of main agent and curing agent of adhesive.
One time use should consider the time and coating area, and the mixing amount should be within the use time.
Use electric mixer and scraper to fully mix until it is even. Special attention should be paid to the difficulty of mixing at the lower corner of the mixing container.
3. Apply adhesive
Brush the adhesive evenly on the concrete surface with roller brush, etc.
According to the surface state of concrete, the type and amount of carbon fiber cloth are different, but it must be brushed evenly.