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Super practical carbon fiber construction process skills (1)
Date:2020-04-09 09:30:00 Share:
1、 Construction preparation
Construction material preparation:
Electric drill, angle grinder, hammer, shovel, hardboard, scissors, cutter, screwdriver, seasoning container, hygrometer, tape, pencil, roller, brush, work clothes, dust mask, helmet, rubber gloves, goggles, disposable towel, scaffold, carbon fiber glue, carbon fiber cloth and supporting resin (200g / ㎡), absorbent cotton fiber, acetone, medium sand, pinhole glue injector , strong hair dryer, etc
Construction technology preparation:
① Familiar with drawings and corresponding construction technical specifications.
② Prepare feasible construction scheme and cooperate with the field work of water heating and power specialty.
③ Carry out construction technical disclosure, and implement technical disclosure requirements to teams and individuals.
Labor preparation: relevant number of technical director, technician, labor.
Site preparation: scaffold, water and power supply are required on site. (only tap water source is required for water, see the preparation of construction machines and tools for mechanical power consumption, and power supply is required on site).

2、 Process flow
Positioning and setting out - base treatment (concrete surface to be pasted) - Preparation and painting of base resin - Preparation of leveling materials and repair of irregularities - Preparation and painting of impregnating resin or pasting resin - pasting of carbon fiber sheet - curing, curing - Inspection and acceptance.