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Small answer to the construction details of planting bar glue (4)
Date:2020-04-07 09:30:00 Share:
1、 How to clean the holes and reinforcement by planting reinforcement?
Answer: the hole and reinforcement cleaning of reinforcement planting is another important factor related to the quality of reinforcement planting. If the hole and reinforcement cleaning are not well done, the combination between the embedded reinforcement and the hole wall will not be tight, and the drawing force required by the design will not be achieved. The holes for planting reinforcement shall be blown and brushed three times, and the reinforcement shall be well derusted.
2、 How to control the compactness of glue injection?
Answer: in the stage of rebar planting, the glue injection must be full, the glue injection is less, the glue quantity is not enough, and the embedded rebar cannot reach the drawing force required by the design. Therefore, in the stage of reinforcement planting, the special foreman and team leader in charge of reinforcement planting must have someone to command and supervise on site. The injection of glue into the hole should not be less than 2 / 3 of the hole depth. After the reinforcement is inserted into the hole bottom, there should be excess glue overflowing from the hole.
3、 How to insert the planting bar?
Answer: when planting steel bar, the steel bar should be inserted to the bottom of the hole in one direction to avoid gas retention in the hole and affect the quality of planting steel bar.